Physical Education


  Our physical education program focuses on fitness, team sports, cooperative games, lifetime activities, and appropriate sportsmanship characteristics. We believe that every student has an equal opportunity to be successful in meeting the requirements for their physical education class. Every student will be assessed in the areas of preparation/participation, knowledge of the activities, sportsmanship and skills


In middle school, students continue to build on the motor skills and movement concepts learned in elementary by applying these motor skills and movement concepts in more complex scenarios and environments. At this stage, middle school students are able to develop a deeper understanding of strategies and tactics, begin to set long-term goals, and explore opportunities for physical activity in their communities



OVERVIEW:  COMMUNITY BUILDING (Ongoing throughout the school year).

Community building in physical education promotes a growth mindset, a safe classroom environment, and an inclusive classroom culture. Intentional learning experiences are designed to include open-ended tasks, challenges, and problem-solving scenarios to deliberately practice the social emotional learning competencies as defined by Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL): relationship skills, responsible decision making, self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness.

 Community building includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:

• Cooperative games and challenges


Students will know:

Movement Concepts, Strategies and Tactics

 • Movement concepts applied in community-building and problem-solving activities

• Strategies for working with others


Cooperation Activities:  

Icebreakers: Name games, Tag Games: Team Building Games


Students will be able to:

• Respond appropriately to ethical and unethical behaviors during physical activity

• Provide positive and corrective feedback to classmates

• Cooperate with classmates on problem-solving initiatives

• Provide encouragement to classmates during physical activity

• Discuss and apply inclusive behaviors

• Discuss intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to engage in positive fitness behaviors

• Offer suggestions or assistance when faced with a group challenge

 •Use equipment safely and responsibly

• Practice strategies for stress reduction

• Participate as a follower and as a leader in various tasks


Social Emotional Learning:

 • Relationship skills

• Responsible decision making

• Self-awareness

• Self-management

• Social awareness


Health and Fitness:

• Health-related fitness components (body composition)

• Stress management


Essential Questions:

• How do various fun activities develop social skills?

• How does knowing the rules, procedures and strategies of a group activity affect participation in that activity?

• How does wearing the correct attire in physical education class benefit students?

• What is good sportsmanship?

 Why is it important to be a good sport?



Students have the opportunity to apply fitness principles and movement concepts and skills to individually challenging physical activities. The NYC FITNESSGRAM assessments are a complement to concepts taught in the Individual Performance theme, and can be used as a tool to promote a health-enhancing level of fitness and an active lifestyle.




Definition of aerobic fitness

• Components of a physical activity session including warm-up, main physical activity, and cool-down

• Circuit training – Fitness Stations

Target heart rate zones

•  50 - 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA)

• Health benefits of aerobic activity


 Define the components to health and skill related fitness

· Identify the links of these components to perform in sports and physical activity




Students will be able to:

 • Perform self-selected individual performance activity while demonstrating correct techniques

 • Discuss the relationship between self-awareness and enjoyment of physical activity •Demonstrate correct techniques in a variety of dynamic and static stretches

• Design a warm-up and cool-down regimen

• Discuss influences on nutrition and fitness choices

   Explain how each component of fitness is different and the importance of each.


Essential Questions;

• How do I know I am participating in moderate to vigorous physical activity?

• Why should students participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity?

• How much moderate to vigorous physical activity should a person include into their life?

• Why do we set personal fitness goals?

   How does each fitness component benefit you?



Clean Out Your Arteries

• Heartbeat Stations

• Aerobic Benefit Hunt

Cooperative running games





In this unit of fitness testing we are using the FITNESSGRAM Test to look to see where students are starting the year at in regards to the Healthy Zone Rubric.   This starting point information will give us a good data as to what we need to focus on during the year.  Retesting oft this event will occur in the Spring to see what gains were made by the scholars during the school year.   In addition, continue to integrate components of health-related fitness. 


CONCEPTS:      Goal Setting, Aerobic Fitness, Muscular Fitness, Flexibility


FITNESSGRAM ACTIVITIES: Continue to integrate components of health-related fitness.










Interval training

• Fartlek training

• Repetitions and sets

• FITT related to muscular strength and flexibility



How do you increase your strength, endurance and flexibility?

How do you measure your fitness using fitness tests?

Why is cardiovascular endurance so important?

What is the point of the NYC Fitness gram healthy fitness Zone standards?

Why is it valuable to be in the healthy fitness zone?

What is your FITNESSGRAM goal? 

What activities do you enjoy that can be included in your individualized fitness and physical activity program?

What information is needed to calculate BMI?

Extra activities:

Choices of Aerobic Games – Independent choices/Team choices!  The students have choices!


 Overview:   SOCCER

Students will be introduced to the game of soccer. Students will be given a brief history of the sport of soccer, learn the basic rules and game concepts. Basic soccer skills of passing, dribbling, and shooting will be introduced to students. Students will have time in class to practice these skills. Students will participate in skill specific games, lead up games and finish the unit with an organized tournament.


Big Ideas:

• Students will be able to successfully participate in a group activity once they understand the rules, procedures and strategies of that group activity or team sport.

• It is important that each elements of a skill be performed in the correct sequence, with the right force and with correct timing.


• Understanding the strategies of a sport allow students to work together to figure out what they need to do, who will be responsible for each task and how we will know we have completed our task.

• A teammate must coordinate movements with purposeful body position, correct balance, weight transfer and correct reasoning to collaboratively work together to score points or complete choreography.

Essential Questions

• How does knowing the rules, procedures and strategies of a sport or group activity affect participation in that activity?

 • Why are the critical elements of a skill taught?

• Why do teammates work together to coordinate movements?

• How does understanding sport strategies improve personal and team performance?


Fitness Performance – Fitness Workouts will be integrated throughout the unit!




In this unit, students will be introduced the sport of Track & Field. Students will learn proper running form, the dimensions of the track and where races start and end. Students will be introduced to sprinting, mid-long distance, throwing events and jumping events.


Big Ideas:

• Students will be able to successfully participate in a group activity once they understand the rules, procedures and strategies of that group activity or team sport.

• It is important that each elements of a skill be performed in the correct sequence, with the right force and with correct timing.


Concepts: Running, Jumping, Throwing, Rules, Relay


Essential Questions •


Why do students need to understand rules, procedures, and safety practices?

Why are the critical elements of a skill taught?

What are the basic skills needed to successfully participate in various track & field events?

What are the rules for the track events? 

What are the rules for the field events?

What are the starting procedures?

How are the different events scored?

When running distance, how do you pace yourself?

What are the correct techniques for sprinting, distance, and relay events?

What are the different types of running events?

What are the different types of jumping events? 

What are the proper techniques for the jumping events?

 Describe the proper technique for landing?

What are the different throwing events?

What are the proper techniques for the different throwing events?

What is momentum and why is it important?

What are the rules for the track events?  What are the rules for the field events?

What are the starting procedures?

How are the different events scored?


Extra Activities –Relay Variations /Jumping Games/ Choices of Fitness Activities




OVERVIEW - Retesting of THE FITNESSGRAM will occur to see what gains were made by the scholars during the school year.

Big Idea:

· FITNESSGRAM is a comprehensive fitness assessment battery for youth.

· The tests are designed to assess cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility and body composition.

· FITNESSGRAM is a report card that summarizes a child’s performance on each component of health-related fitness and determines their healthy fitness zone for each assessment.

· FITNESSGRAM provides feedback to help students to plan fitness and physical activity programs. It also help students, school personnel and parents/caregivers to understand a child’s needs and to plan a program of physical activity.

· Being physically active is fun and essential for a healthy lifestyle.

· We need to be physically active.

· Physical fitness is essential to health throughout life.

· Physical activity provides a variety of opportunities for enjoyment and social interaction.


Students will be able to:

Practice/Assessment-Learn Calculation to determine BMI (reference sheet)

·  REVIEW and understand what health related fitness components are included in the FITNESSGRAM.

· Complete the test assessments and other assessments that may help to develop health related fitness/ and physical activity engagement.


· Read and understand what the Healthy Fitness Zone is for each on the FITNESSGRAM


 Understand the Healthy Fitness Zone and how to use report information for goal setting and reevaluating fitness plans and goals


 Reflect on inventory of physical fitness activities for each of the components of fitness (e.g., verbally, written, etc.).


Essential Questions:

What activities can promote muscular strength?

What activities cam promote muscular endurance?

What can I do to prepare for the fitness test?

What is necessary in order to improve my overall wellness?


Extra Activities:  Yoga Exercises, Mission Push-Up Possible, All-Star Stretches, Fitting in Fitness, Circuit Training Fitness Stations, Aerobic Games, Exercises through music



PE Games/Games Stations

Students will form groups and participate in a variety of team activities. Students will improve their social skills, fitness levels and motor skills through participation in different PE Games. The purpose of this unit is to promote physical activity by having students participate in various types of fun team activities that require students to work together as a team and have fun.

Big Ideas:

• Participating in PE Games introduces students to activities that require them to work as a team and have fun while being physically active.

 • PE Games provide students with the opportunity to socialize with their peers and form friendships.

Essential Questions

• Why should students participate in fun team games?

• How do various fun activities develop social skills?

• How can I show respect to my teammates?

How can the effort of one person impact the team/group?

  How can honesty affect the dynamics of a team?

 What can you learn through teamwork/cooperation to make our home, school, and community a      better place to live?


Activities:  Ultimate Frisbee, Team building games, Popular Tag Games, Cup Stacking, 4 Square, Fitness Tag, Cones Flip Challenge, Hula Hoop Tic-Tac-Toe, Shark Zone, Fitness Bingo, Choices of Wellness Stations, Rocket Games


Floor Hockey

Overview – This Floor Hockey unit plan will introduce a less main stream sport to the students in a modified version of Ice Hockey to engage them in something new. My hopes are that by introducing this sport to the students I will open their minds and allow them to accept new things or different things into their lives with more ease. This game is not only very active, but can be played in many modified ways to make it an ideal game for a wide variety of classes. Students will be practicing the following skills: stick handling, passing, shooting. We will practice good sportsmanship in group games and in skill games.

Big Ideas;

1. I can explain these rules involved in floor hockey.
a. Scoring
b. Safety
2. I can explain these strategies involved in floor hockey.
a. Positions (forward, defense, goalie)
b. Team play (passing)

3. I can perform these skills used in floor hockey.
a. Stick handling
b. Passing
c. Shooting
d. Goal keeping
e. Shielding
4. I can understand how my physical fitness is improved through floor hockey.
a. Muscles used (Pectoralis Major)
b. Target Heart Rate

 Essential Questions;

  • What are the rules, skills, and game strategies involved in floor hockey?

  • How do teamwork and sportsmanship affect game play?

  • How does participation in floor hockey improve physical fitness?




While participating in the basketball unit, the students will use basic basketball skills (dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding) in drills, lead-up activities and games. The student will enhance teamwork and sportsmanship skills along with cardio-respiratory endurance, hand-eye coordination, agility, and spatial awareness. Offensive and defensive situations will be introduced  through station work as well during  modified game.


Big Idea:

Students will understand that…

 · Proper form for individual skills is essential for mastery of the skill.

· Different components of basketball positively impact your overall health in different ways.

· Teamwork skills and strategy are essential in a team sport.

Students will be skilled at…

· Procedures for participating in skill drills/game play

· Individual sport specific skills.

· Positive participants/team leaders

· Scoring the game


Students will understand that…

· Proper form for individual skills is essential for mastery of the skill.

 · Different components of basketball positively impact your overall health in different ways.

 · Teamwork skills and strategy are essential in a team sport.



· How do you use math skills when you strategize in the game of basketball?

· How does working as a team instead of an individual enhance your performance? Both socially and physically.

 · How can I move effectively and efficiently in order to improve my skill levels?


Improvement of skill level through station work & team setting participation through game play.




Students will be introduced to the game of volleyball. Students will be given a brief history of the sport of volleyball, learn the basic rules and game concepts. Basic volleyball skills of passing, setting, serving and hitting will be introduced to students. Students will have time in class to practice these skills. Students will participate in skill specific games, lead up games and finish the unit with an organized class tournament.

Big Idea


1. I can explain these rules involved in volleyball.
• Rally scoring
• Rotation
• Side out

2. I can perform these skills used in volleyball.
• Forearm pass
• Setting
• Underhand serve
• Receiving a serve

3. I can understand how my physical fitness is improved through volleyball.
• Muscles used (Brachialradialis)
• Benefits of physical fitness


Essential Questions:

·         What are the rules, skills, and game strategies involved in volleyball?

·         How do teamwork and sportsmanship affect game play?

·         How does participation in volleyball improve physical fitness?

             What are the keys to a good serve in volleyball?